PrimeLocation Sold Prices

The Sold price information displayed on our website is supplied to us by the government as a matter of public record and is displayed on many websites in the UK. The data we use is authorised for publication under licence from the Land Registry and Registers of Scotland, who provide sale data on property transactions going back to 1995 and 2000 respectively.  

We are unable to amend or delete this information from this database as this would make our services less valuable.  However, should you wish to dispute the availability of this sale data or if any of it is incorrect, we suggest that you contact Land Registry and Registers of Scotland directly.

This article includes:

Discover sold house prices

You can find out what is going on with house prices in your local area by seeing the house price paid for millions of UK homes. We list millions of property transactions dating back to 1995 from all across the UK.

  1. Go to 
  2. Hover over Sold prices
  3. Click Sold house prices
  4. Type in the address or place name into the search box
  5. Click Search 

My sold price data is missing

Sold price data is supplied to us in monthly updates from the government.  There can be a delay of 3-4 months between transaction data and when it's officially recorded and passed to us.  As soon as we receive the latest data, we will update our site.  

My sold price data is wrong

The sold house price information is supplied to us by the Land Registry and Registers of Scotland as a matter of public record.  

  • Land Registry: We recommend you get in touch with them directly to edit any sold house price data.  Once we receive the updated sold price information, we will endeavour to get the information updated as soon as possible.  Click here to contact the Land Registry.
  • Registers of Scotland: You can directly contact Registers of Scotland to edit any sold house price data.  Once the updated information is received by us, we will endeavour to get the information updated as soon as possible.  Click here to contact Registers of Scotland.